The Energy of Money Podcast

Your Ontological Relationship with Money (Part 2)

Episode Summary

In episode of the Energy of Money Podcast by Dr. Maria Nemeth, the focus deepens on the profound connection between individuals and their relationship with money. Dr. Nemeth, a renowned psychologist and financial expert, delves into the ontological aspects of this relationship, exploring how our beliefs, emotions, and values shape our financial reality. The episode emphasizes the importance of self-awareness when it comes to money matters. Dr. Nemeth encourages listeners to examine their core beliefs about money, revealing how these beliefs can either limit or expand one's financial potential. She offers practical tools and strategies to transform negative money mindsets into empowering ones, fostering a healthier financial outlook. Through real-life anecdotes and relatable examples, Dr. Nemeth illustrates the transformative power of shifting one's ontological relationship with money. Listeners are left with valuable insights and actionable steps to enhance their financial well-being, ultimately paving the way for a more abundant and fulfilling life. This episode serves as a vital resource for anyone seeking to unlock the energy of money and thrive financially. Stay inspired and receive regular updates by following @energyofmoney_ on Instagram. Tune in for more uplifting stories and insights on the next episode. Until then, embrace the positivity and create your narrative of abundance!

Episode Notes

"Every time you start measuring anything about you. You have to ask, who's measuring this? Who's observing this? And of course, I said, well, my mind." - Dr. Maria Nemeth