The Energy of Money Podcast

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Someone: Your Trust

Episode Summary

In this episode, Dr. Maria shares a valuable insight about a unique gift we can give to others—trust. She emphasizes that this trust isn't based on people's behavior but on the belief that deep down, they have a desire to contribute positively to life. Dr. Maria stresses that this trust is a more significant gift than money or even love. The episode delves into the power of trusting in others' inherent goodness. In the second part of the episode, Dr. Maria explores the idea that people are not inherently flawed; rather, their lack of success often results from a lack of essential skills. She invites listeners to explore this concept further in her podcast, "The Energy of Money." The Empowered Together segment introduces a program led by Dr. Maria, which aims to provide professional training and certification to individuals, primarily women from the BIPOC community. The goal is to empower them to become certified personal coaches, fostering entrepreneurship and community development. Dr. Maria promises to share more details about the Empowered Together program in future episodes.

Episode Notes

"The greatest gift you can give someone is not money. In some ways, it's not your love, although love is underneath. It's your trust, your trust in who they are, that there's a basic goodness inside of them." - Dr. Maria Nemeth